Parish Council
The Parish Council is a mandated Diocesan statute and the main advisory board to the pastor. Their objective is to help the pastor implement his vision for the direction of the parish in the years ahead as well as in the present. They look at the spiritual, social, and structural needs of the parish. The Parish Council consists of Commissions and Committees.
- COMMISSIONS are subgroups of the council responsible for setting policy, developing goals and coordinating efforts in their specific area of parish ministry. The COMMISSIONS are:
- Worship: liturgy
- Education: youth education; youth sacrament preparation; adult formation.
- Evangelization: Council of Catholic Women; fundraising committee.
- Pastoral Care: hospital and homebound visitations
- Service: St. Vincent de Paul funds
- Administration: buildings and grounds
- COMMITTEES are subgroups of a commission responsible for carrying out action plans to implement parish goals.